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July 17, 2020

Thompson: Administration’s Violent Actions in Portland are an Un-American Affront to Democracy

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement the Department of Homeland Security’s involvement in the Trump Administration’s actions in Portland Oregon, including arresting citizens in unmarked vehicles:

“The Department of Homeland Security’s involvement in the Trump Administration’s violent and blatantly political actions in the City of Portland are un-American and an affront to Democracy and must be called out as such. It appears no local or state government entity requested the Administration to police the streets in Portland – and the Department has sent no sufficient justification to Congress for its actions. To be clear, it is the job of the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security to protect the country from terrorism, secure our borders, and respond to disasters. They are not pawns to be used as President Trump’s personal police force and their involvement is only escalating the situation.

“The Administration tried to strong-arm peaceful protesters exercising their First Amendment rights in Washington, DC last month. What is happening in Portland is an escalation that only shows how desperate this Administration is to change the topic from its many failings. It is plainly obvious that the President is desperate to distract from his tragic bungling of the worsening pandemic and the fact that almost 140,000 Americans have died on his watch. Much to the dismay of the President and his officials, the American people are not taking the bait.

“It is time for Administration to end this dangerous charade and leave the City of Portland.”

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